Dear Wife, here are 3 things I want you to know about your body

Dear Wife, here are 3 things I want you to know about your body: 
I’ve noticed lately that you’ve been a little down and hard on yourself about your body image. I’m not sure why, because honestly, I think you’re perfect! As your husband, there are three things I want you to know about your body.
1. You are drop-dead gorgeous
There’s no need for me to beat around the bush here — I think you are stunningly beautiful! I hope you never forget that. I’m very much attracted to you and want to be with you forever! Yes, we have chemistry!
I may not always say what I’m thinking (I am a man after all!), but I’m constantly telling myself how amazing you look and how lucky I am to be your husband. Sometimes, when you see me do a double take, or sneak a peek, you might think I’m measuring you against some unrealistic standard — but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is, I just can’t get enough of you! You’re that good looking!
2. I love you just the way you are
I appreciate all that you do to take care of yourself and look your best. It’s one of the many little ways I know you love me — and it totally turns me on. I love our date nights out on the town and feel so lucky and proud having you at my side.
But there’s one important thing I want you to know — I love you just the way you are! In today’s world, it’s become less than shocking to see women revealing every curve and bit of skin possible. Unfortunately, marketing images are often digitally altered — creating an even more unrealistic image of beauty. It’s everywhere — magazines, billboards, television, online ads, etc.
You are constantly bombarded by pressure to look a certain way and to “measure up.” I know you feel it. I see you staring at yourself in the mirror, agonizing over a pound gained or a wrinkle found. I know I can’t entirely solve this problem for you, but let me at least try to put your mind at ease — I love you just the way you are!
I’m the lucky person you’ve chosen to share everything with, and let me tell you — you’re beautiful on the inside and out! My love isn’t conditional on how you look, and there’s no one I’d rather grow old with — wrinkles and all!
3. Your smile lights up a room
We’ve been married for a while now, and I love holding you in my arms and being intimate with you! But I want to remind you that long before I saw all of you, I saw your smile from across the room — and that’s what sparked the attraction. Certainly, that attraction has grown over time, but it all started with that beautiful smile and those sparkling eyes.

Your smile is simply contagious! It lights up a room — just like you light up my life. If I’ve had a bad day, nothing can pick me up quite like your smile and the sound of your laugh. Your optimism and fun-loving personality are energizing and super attractive! You don’t have to wear the latest trends and sport the newest looks to grab my attention — all you have to do is smile!
So, dear wife — with all the stresses and pressures of life, please don’t let your body become one of them. Even though I may not verbally express it enough (I’ll try to do better!), you are beautiful. Thanks for being my everything. And remember, I LOVE YOU!

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